Just what I needed
Being a member of any church was something I didn’t feel the need to do. I knew about God and was a good person so that worked for me. I started attending New Life and hearing Pastor Carter preach about putting God first in my everyday living, (especially at work…that was the hardest place for me to go, but I needed a paycheck), and how to work to become the person God created me to be. One day, I noticed all the changes, for the better, that had come into my life. I was listening and doing the work and God was working on my behalf. I’m thankful for sending me to a place that is just what I needed.
We fit in
Me and my kids love us some Pastor
Carter and New Life Church. They
have embraced us and quickly, the
feeling of not fitting in vanished.
God answered my prayers
Years ago, I used to pray and pray and pray to God about helping my husband to stop
drinking. I would even wonder why God wasn’t listening to me. I started attending church again and within six months decided to give my live to Christ. I decided to pray once again, asking God to take the drinking habit from my husband. God answered my prayers! I am so glad that I became a member of New Life where I can understand what is being taught and then make those things a part of my life so that my life can be pleasing to God. I am so glad!”
I have learned so much more about having a relationship with God
Since I began attending New Life, I have learned so much more about having a relationship with God. Pastor Carter is definitely an anointed teacher. I now have clarity on things that I’ve struggled understanding for years. I have also developed a more intimate relationship with God. At New Life, the people are genuinely loving and welcoming. As a member now, I am eager to serve God by serving people.
Thought-provoking teaching
Pastor/Teacher Carter lives and
teaches New Life members practical
holy living in a way that makes sense
to me. Not a lot of whooping and
hollering, but more thought-provoking
teaching that I get!
Every day, I celebrate New Life in Jesus Christ.
I had been sexually active for more years than I can remember. I used drugs and drank heavily. I couldn’t hold down a job so I stole and did sex to pay for my drugs. I had a couple of abortions and on and on and on. I felt I had sunk too low to be forgiven. I remember the first time I set foot in New Life Christian Fellowship. A friend of mine had been inviting me to come with her for months. I had used every excuse I could think of. I just plain didn’t want to go to church. What would be the use? When I got in the building and sat down, I began to feel a strange feeling of peace. The Pastor talked about Jesus dying as a sacrifice for sin. I didn’t mean to, but I started to cry. The love of God that I felt that first day has changed my life. I have no desire to go back to my old ways. Every day, I celebrate New Life in Jesus Christ.
Even during this Pandemic…
I just want to say that I really love my church family and especially Pastor Roy! During this COVID-19 Pandemic, times have gotten dark and dreary for me. I live alone and don’t get to be around people much. I’m working from home. But at any given moment, usually when I’m feeling down, Pastor Roy or someone from New Life will call or text me and just talk. It helps me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! I love it. God bless you and I cannot wait until we can meet up on person again. I want a hug! LOL
I absolutely love New Life Christian Fellowship and am so glad that God sent me there. Its funny because I didn’t want to become a member of any church. I felt that I didn’t need it. And then when Pastor Carter started talking to me about stuff going on in my life that I knew nobody knew….I really didn’t want to be there. But I was drawn to it. God allowed me to hear what Pastor was saying. God helped me to understand that he was only speaking to help and he was right. So why was I mad? I don’t have to ask nobody. I’ve come a long way in my walk with God, thanks to my church and my pastor!
Thank God for Answering Prayer for Healing
On Saturday, I was out running some errands. I stepped up on a step and fell. I got up feeling a little bit of pain for about three minutes. Later that evening, I begin to start feeling the pain in my knee, and I wasn’t able to stand on my leg. About 3:00 in the morning, I got up to use the bathroom. I got up but couldn’t stand on that one leg. I was walking to the bathroom like a baby learning to walk. I was like man! I can’t walk. How am I going to work tomorrow? I actually couldn’t walk without assistance, I had to use a cane to get around. I went into the living room, sat in my chair and began to pray to God, asking that He take this ugly, evil pain away from my knee. I concluded my pray by telling God that if He would heal me, I would give Him praise AND I would testify about it. He did and I am!!!! I have been telling some of everybody of how good God is to me! Hallelujah!!!